
In cybersecurity, we are often faced with making difficult decisions—decisions that could impact a single person, a department, an entire organization, or even millions of consumers.  If your work was ever called-into-question, would you be able to explain yourself with confidence? Would you be able to back-up your decisions with evidence? Being a cybersecurity professional demands the highest levels of integrity. It is not a place for "shooting from the hip" or "going with your gut." Do your research, make sure you fully understand the problem and its impacts. Consult with others. Look for the facts, seek the truth. Document your work. Speak honestly. Stand by your decisions and be prepared to explain your reasons for making them.

I am proud of my anti-library. Are you?

Be Specific, Be Wrong, It's Okay

Managing Risk and Information Security: Protect to Enable

Cybersecurity 101

A Call for Experts

Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

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